57th Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Virtual Conference Post-Event Access

Date: Thursday, April 1, 2021
Time: 5:00am - 5:30am

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The 57th Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Virtual Conference brought nationally-recognized speakers right to the desks of over 2,000 registered multi-disciplinary professionals and provided an opportunity for each to cultivate a national network of estate planning professionals. 

If you missed registering for the event, but would still like to view the sessions and materials, you are welcome to sign up to receive post-event access by scrolling down to the blue "register now" button, which appears just below the sponsor logos, and completing the registration form. 

You will receive a confirmation that contains a link and password to access the post-event library.  Within you will find a link to the session recording and materials for the three sponsor bonus sessions and the general sessions provided by Martin M. Shenkman, Richard M. Weber, and Natalie B. Choate. 

Note that each session recording is password protected and the password for each appears just below the session description. 

Continuing education credit cannot be provided by NAEPC for those watching the sessions on-demand.

We are grateful for the generous support of the sponsors and exhibitors that allowed us to provide both the live program and post-event conference access to members and guests on a complimentary basis.  Please learn more about the sponsoring firms now by clicking each logo below:



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