Council Executive / Administrator Session: New Year, New You: A Discussion about Finding Balance, Developing Efficiencies, and Serving Your Clients/Council to the Best of Your Abilities

Date: Thursday, January 20, 2022
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Zoom

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This event takes place from 12:00 pm ET - 1:00 pm ET

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This is a special virtual session for council executives (paid staff) only that will provide an opportunity to connect with the network of council executives and colleagues within the association management profession while addressing important topics.  

The new year is a fantastic time to reflect, set goals, and make plans.  Our subject this month will be "New Year, New You: A Discussion about Finding Balance, Developing Efficiencies, and Serving Your Clients/Council to the Best of Your Abilities.”  The agenda for our time together is fluid so please share your thoughts and ideas for creating it at the time of registration.  (Your responses will be kept private and will only be used to craft the agenda for the program.)

Interested in facilitating an upcoming session?  Let Sarah Butterfield know!

See Upcoming Event Calendar