Virtual Leadership Day (Extra Small & Small Councils)

Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm

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This event takes place from 3:00 pm ET - 5:00 pm ET on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 and Wednesday, June 7, 2023. 
Please take special care to place both days on your calendar.

Virtual Leadership Day is an experience for volunteer leaders and executives from estate planning councils connected via Zoom designed to enhance council operations and initiatives while providing a forum to have your council’s toughest questions tackled.  Your council will benefit from your leaders interacting with others from across the country who share a single mission: helping their council thrive! 

During this two-day, four-hour event we’ll cover ideas, strategies, and initiatives related to a very wide variety of operations topics, including member engagement, the board and committee structure, membership qualifications, programming, sponsorship programs, diversity – equity – inclusion, onboarding new members, and other subjects that you tell us are important.  

While the schedule for each event will change slightly based on participant input, a sample has been provided below:

Day One
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Programming Resources
Topical Breakout Session #1
Topical Breakout Session #2
Optional Benefits for the Estate Planning Council
General Session
The Relationship Between Your Council & NAEPC
Closing Remarks

Day Two
Returning Remarks
Website Review
Topical General Session:
Member Benefits
Topical Breakout Session #3
Topical Breakout Session #4
Closing Session:  Your Biggest Take Away

Please note that while this session will be geared toward councils of like-size, we do welcome participation from leaders from councils of any size. 

Prepare for our time together by downloading the post-event report to Board of Directors document HERE (Word Document)



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